
Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday night . . . three day weekend

THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!  I looked at this sign outside the preschool this afternoon and it just made me feel good.  It was a long week . . . both at work and personally.  So the three day weekend is just what we need!
Stopped by Michelangelo's after work . . . it is a family owned restaurant - very friendly place . . . great atmosphere . . .
We actually have a very busy weekend planned (working and playing) . . . but a three day weekend is always a good thing.

Origami Owl

My choice of charms . . . a peace sign (of course), tennis racquets, a heart with wings, and a camera. 
I think I am as excited about the packaging as I am the pendant and charms.
This is one little happy package . . . from the inside out.
If you haven't checked out this jewelry . . . take a look - Origami Owl 

Flashback Friday

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I have been looking at old photos.
This picture just makes me smile . . . and laugh  (the hair).  It was taken in Santa Cruz - I don't want to think how many years ago at one of those tourist type photo places.  Now I want to find the black and white photo that we purchased.  I think Richard was dressed as a sheriff?   The top photo was taken when Luke was two years old.  Damn - I was young.  :)  I love looking at old photos . . . I may have to do "Flashback Friday" again. 
Have a great weekend!
When you laugh or smile, it triggers a part in your brain that actually makes you HAPPY!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Magic . . .

 This was on a take out bag from a restaurant where we went to lunch awhile back.  If I remember right Richard pointed it out to me.  He is always pointing out little things that he knows I will like - (I love that!)  I am very passionate about recycling and taking care of the earth . . . I also have this romantic, naive notion about magic . . . so I had to keep this paper bag.  It has been flying around my craft room for awhile and I saw it last night and decided I had to make a paper crane out of it.  If I recycled the bag into a paper crane . . . then I guess that would make it a magic crane!!!  Now I just have to decide what I should do with my magic crane.
" A little magic can take you a long way."
             ~ Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

pictures . . .

Looking through pictures tonight . . . sort of in a quiet mood and anxious for the week to be over.  This week has been busy, messy, and a little stressful . . . so I deal with that by throwing myself into the things and people that make me happy.  Hey, it's Wednesday and things are looking up. 
. . . and if all else fails . . . silly hair always makes me feel better.

wrapping paper cranes

Our fundraiser catalog at school always has samples of the wrapping paper in the back.  The first think that came to my mind was making paper cranes . . .
 . . . I just needed to rip them out and cut them into squares.

There is just something about these paper cranes that I love. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Little Things . . .

Richard saw this commercial while watching TV tonight. (check out the link below)  He knew I would love it.  It is wonderful . . . so I have to share.
Sometimes it's the little things that last the longest!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Halloween Cross Stitch

This is one of those projects that for some reason I work on for awhile, then set aside.  It is a simple enough project . . . so it should have been done ages ago, but I am nearly finished. 
I don't cross stitch as much as I used to, but love to stitch a small project on linen once in awhile.  My home town has a wonderful stitchery store that I visit whenever I am there.  They have a great selection of Halloween patterns and beautiful linen to choose from.  This is one of the patterns that I bought at The Stitchery Nook.  This patterned was displayed in the store . . . simply framed.  I haven't decided yet if I am going to have it framed or look for some fun trim and make it into a pillow.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday . . .

I've been so busy that I haven't taken any cranes out in awhile . . . back at it today.  Crane # 346.
We had a busy morning, but took some time to go to lunch and play a game of cribbage.  It is back to work tomorrow and another busy week ahead . . . but it was a great weekend!

Lily . . .

Reading to Papa . . .
Playing the harmonica . . .
What happens when Papa falls asleep when Lily is spending the night . . .
Bath time with princess shampoo . . .
 . . . and magic wash clothes that spell Love!
It was a fun night, but a late night.  We were up late watching Cinderella and we woke up early to make waffles for breakfast. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday . . .

Fun day! . . . we had to buy a birthday gift and found exactly what we were looking for in an antique store.  We were looking for an old teacup and saucer for Richard's boss.  She is wonderful and we wanted to get her something special.  We found a beautiful one . . . unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo of it before I wrapped it up. 

We wandered around the store with the little time that we had, but both of us decided that we need to spend a day in Old Town soon . . . walk through the antique stores - have lunch and make a day of it.
We had lunch with Susan to celebrate her birthday . . . and tonight Lily is here for a sleepover.  I better go be a Grandma!

Friday Night

Good music, good friends, and for a good cause.  I would have loved to stay and listened to everyone that played - but Friday night of the first week of school . . . we made it an early night.

Live music, followed by Chinese food and hot tea  . . .
 Great way to start the weekend!  Now if I would only get a call saying that we won the Fender guitar that they were raffling off. 
"Without music, life would be a mistake."
                                   ~ Friedrich Nietzsch, Twilight of the Idols

Friday, August 23, 2013

Color . . .

Abbie painted this a few weeks ago . . . just a simple little watercolor flower - I think it is beautiful.  I love the colors. 
 I also love the colors in this photo -
gold . . . warm . . . reminds me that Fall is right around the corner with all it's glorious colors. 
. . . and some orange (love orange!)  A cute little reminder from our nurse on my desk this morning . . . that we made it through the first week of school!  Looking forward to a wonderful weekend . . .

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Peace ~ Love ~ Lily

Jennifer and Lily have gotten into the habit of sending me "Peace" and "I Love You" pictures.  They make my day!  I have to sit down this weekend and get some photos developed.  I think I need some Peace ~ Love ~ Lily pictures on my desk at work.

Good Morning . . .

Outside my window . . . Sun is coming up – I am at work way too early.

I am thinking . . .  that it will be another busy day at work . . . but I like busy days.

I am thankful for . . . my job.  Starting a new school year – I work with an amazing group of people who make coming to work a pleasure.

From the kitchen . . . it’s 6:30 AM – coffee

I am wearing . . .  a new coral top – one of my favorite colors when it comes to clothes.

I am creating . . .  a Halloween cross stitch (that I really need to finish) – and I cut out two dolls.

I am going . . .  to have a great day . . . and get a lot done!

I am reading . . .  Why Time Begins on Opening Day – Thomas Boswell

I am hoping . . .  to have lunch with Richard today.

I am hearing . . .  nothing – I love the quiet at work before everyone shows up.

Around the house . . .  (the office) – completely quiet . . . and so much work to do. J

One of my favorite things . . .  my PINK coffee mug

A few plans for the rest of the week . . .  I really need to get some projects going at home.  This time of year I get so busy at work – the fun creative stuff gets put aside. 

From my picture journal . . .