
Monday, March 31, 2014

little girl magic . . .

She brightens my day . . . even the day after.
Little girls have a magic all their own.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I love weekends . . .

 She would not break down and give Grandpa a kiss . . . looks like she had definitely made up her mind.  : )

Yesterday we were all over the place . . .
Today was a nice relaxing Sunday at home.  It was a little cool, but the sun was warm and inviting - almost impossible to resist.  Charlotte is also hard to  resist -  and she loves to be outside . . . so outside we were.  The world is full of wonder to those young eyes . . . and it is fun to watch the world while watching her. 
I did get a few practical things done, but most of that I let go today. 
I am working on a new Shabby Charlotte doll . . . just thought I would share her smile.  I had planned one thing, then I was inspired to do something else with her.  She is going to be a fun one to make.  I had hoped to stay up late and maybe get her finished, but I think the day has been long enough.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Friday!

 Flowers everywhere today . . . coming to school in buckets, appearing on my desk, making my lunchtime run take a little longer, because I had to stop and take pictures. 
Earth laughs in flowers. 
                   ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
 Lily had to take pictures of our shoes this morning.  I love this girl . . . and our shoes.  :) 
. . . and everyone needs these - right?
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rainbows & Zombies

We had a full rainbow in front of our house yesterday evening.  There is something about a rainbow . . . it doesn't matter how many times you have seen one and it doesn't matter if you are 5 years old or 85 years old . . . they are always beautiful and amazing . . . especially when they cover the whole sky like this one. 
 . . . and this is what I looked up and saw while I was in the shower.  Richard knows this window on the back side of the house bothers me for some reason . . . (Maybe I've watched too many episodes of The Walking Dead.)  Yes, he startled me . . . yes, I screamed . . . no - I would probably not survive a zombie apocalypse . . . I grabbed my phone to take a picture rather than something to defend myself.   
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." 
 ~ Charlie Chaplin

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

up close . . .

Just a few pictures that I like . . .
This last one my boss sent me yesterday.  He is out of town at a conference and he found this origami crane . . .
I have a lot on my mind these days . . . hell, I always have a lot on my mind . . . that's just the way my mind is.  But I have a dear friend who lost her sister yesterday, another close friend having open heart surgery today, and another dealing with cancer.  Life gets like that sometimes . . . it does put things in perspective . . .
"I believe in prayer.  It's the best way we have to draw strength from heaven."  ~Josephine Baker

Sunday, March 23, 2014

paper paper cranes


Paper cranes made out of some packaging that caught my eye a week or so ago.  I love the color and design of the paper . . . perfect for making cranes.
  It has been such a nice relaxing weekend . . . I hate to see it end.  I guess I better find away to get ready and attack Monday morning with some enthusiasm.  :)

All Day I Dream About Stuff . . .

 I had started working on a doll today . . . but as I was stuffing the body - the seam ripped and the small attempt I made at fixing it didn't work and only frustrated me further, so I decided just to toss it out and make something a little simpler . . . a very simple little pillow made out of an old Adidas t-shirt . . . nice little touch in my craft room.  (I will make another doll body tonight.)
. . . and other stuff from my craft room.
 ~ PEACE ~
Richard put a new grip on my racquet today . . . bright colors for Spring.  Peace ~ Love ~ Tennis
I've been inside way too long for a beautiful Spring day . . . time to do something outdoors.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A day to be enjoyed . . .

What a beautiful day. We worked in the yard until the tennis courts called . . . It was a day to be outside. 
We went to lunch after hitting and saw the cutest little girl who smiled and made faces at us through the window.  Richard handed her one of my paper cranes as she was walking out of the restaurant .  She came back to us before leaving and handed us the coloring pages she had been coloring.  Her smile was enough to brighten any one's day.  
Stella wanted to be outside.  Charlotte always wants to be outside . . . the flowers in her hair seem to fit her. 
Days like today are meant to be enjoyed!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Flashback Friday . . .

Way back . . . This photo is for my Aunt Hess.  It was taken at her house.  I used to love to go out to visit her and my Uncle Al.  When I think of all the memories I have . . . we must have spent a lot of time visiting them at their farm.  Looking at this picture - I can picture the light in the kitchen and I can almost smell the different smells . . . the smells of the farm, the way their house smelled (and that always includes the smell of coffee . . .)
To my dear Aunt Hess (who follows my blog) . . . I love and miss you guys very much. 
Another way back . . . and a little more recent . . .
He's one of my favorite flashbacks.  :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lucky in Love

Richard and I finally got out to play some tennis last night.  We haven't been able to take advantage of our beautiful Spring weather and get out to play . . . it felt great to run hard and work up a sweat and a cold beer tasted so good after playing.  

 One of the teachers that I work with is participating in the Relay for Life.  She is putting these banners together to decorate her booth.  She left them out in our workroom and we could decorate a banner and dedicate it to a cancer survivor or to a loved one that we lost to cancer.  I thought it was such a creative and wonderful idea that I wanted to share it. 
 I work with another very talented young lady that made these caramel apples for me today.  They are even prettier than the picture.  It is fun to discover all this creativity in the people I work with.
"Creativity is intelligence having fun." 
 ~ Albert Einstein