
Monday, February 20, 2017

origami therapy . . . .

The past few weeks have really put to test my word for the year . . . FAITH.
. . . and we are not through it by no means, but we will get through it.  

 One of the reasons I enjoy folding paper cranes . . . is that it is very calming for me.  I have folded so many that I can do it with little thought to what I am doing. (I am pretty sure I have folded well over 2000 paper cranes)
 . . . I call it my origami therapy - just what I need sometimes.
This weekend I started folding paper cranes out of paper from an old book.  I hope to fold enough to cover a Christmas tree this year.  I have to get started now if I am going to have enough folded by December.  

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always
1 Chronicles 16:11

I'm still here . . .

 It has been a crazy couple of weeks . . . and I just haven't made time to post and be online much at all.  I also haven't taken many pictures.  I hope to change that.  
So much going on . . . much that I won't touch on here, except for a few pictures I did take.
We had Kasey's baby shower.  It was one of those occasions that I chose to enjoy rather than take pictures.  Only a few more weeks til we get to see our new granddaughter in person.  
 This little guy turned 5!  He is such a sweet little guy!
This was taken on his actual birthday.  He had a wonderful party with a lot of kids and chaos!
Just what you would expect at a 5 year old birthday party!
This was my great find at a thrift store this afternoon.  Thirty-three stamps . . . for $12.
I don't do a lot of stamping, but I could not walk past these for that price.  There are a few Halloween stamps and somewhere in there is a peace sign stamp.  I figure the ones I don't really like I can let the kids mess with.  

Friday, February 3, 2017

dolls for sale . . .

I finally listed a few dolls this week in my ETSY shop.
I am hoping to get a few more listed this weekend.  It has been awhile since I sold any dolls and I am feeling the urge to get back to them.  
So take a look at Ivey, Seraphina, Noella, and Olive.
Happy Weekend!

faith . . .

 Faith isn't a feeling.  It's a choice to 
trust GOD even when the road ahead seems uncertain.
When I chose FAITH as my word for the year . . . 
I didn't realize how important it was going to be.