
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

celebrate every day . . .

Every day is a special occasion!

Life has been stressful, busy, and ever changing.  What's new - right?
Life has also been amazing, full of happy, and a blessing.
Life is like that I guess.
I am making time to create and play everyday.  I need that.  I think we all need that!

What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.
~ Buddha

Friday, May 14, 2021

permission slip . . .

Give your self permission to . . . .


Monday, May 10, 2021

painting . . . playing . . . and Tatum

I'm sharing a couple of paintings I started. 
I still have  more to do on them, but wanted to share what I have so far . . . 
Hopefully I will get a chance to pint later tonight.         
This one discovered painting this past weekend. 
Rather she discovered slopping in the paint water.  
She tends to get messy . . . this one!  
 “Do small things with great love.” 
~Mother Teresa

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

fun . . . happy . . . wonky . . . flowers.

I joined an art workshop through Tricia Robinson last week.
As always I needed something to spark my creativity.  I get so busy with work and my mom and life in general that a don't take time for me and the things I love to do.
I am out of my comfort zone when it comes to painting . . . but Tricia makes it so much fun.  The point isn't to make it perfect . . . it is to just make it and have fun!  
I had so much fun I signed up for her monthly "God Made Girl".  I have a feeling it is going to be very good for me.  Quite a difference from my zombie/monster dolls . . . but I have a feeling and hope it will all work together eventually.  I found a cute button last night while I was going through some "stuff" . . . and had an idea about a "wonky" monster doll. 
Let the fun begin!