
Friday, April 15, 2022

sweet little zombee . . .

I finished this little Springtime "Zombee" . . . and shipping her off to someone special today.  

Bee Happy!
Bee You!

Friday, April 8, 2022

happy friday . . .

These "You've been egged" cartons turned out so fun and happy.
My mom helped me fill them with candy.  She can't do so many of the things she used to do because the arthritis in her hands . . . so she loves it when she can be part of making something with me.
That made it "egg-stra" fun. 

What does your joy look like today!


Thursday, April 7, 2022


Jacob has always wanted to see Duke play in person.  So he made that happen . . . and invited his dad to go with him.  Great time for both of them.  

Smiling is good for the soul!


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

you've been egged . . .

 I started a little Easter project last night.  After seeing some of these small egg cartons in a shop - I had to get some and have some fun with them.  I hope to finish up some of these tonight.  
I also found some brightly colored cartons that I am going to fill with fun stuff for the grandkids.
I am now temporarily obsessed with these small cartons.

Begin each day with a happy heart.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Here's the buzz . . .

 I am going to attempt to get back to this blog . . . just as I am trying to get back to doll making.
It seems like it is faster and simpler to post on Instagram or Facebook, but I truly enjoy blogging and following other blogs.  I actually think posting on here keeps me motivated to create.
So, let's see how it goes.  

I found these tiny bee buttons . . . and had this idea for "bee hair" and I am loving the "bee hair".

making a doll
"bee hair"
folding paper cranes
sunshine and warmer weather
Spring flowers
one week until Spring Break

Have a great day!