
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April Swap . . .

The theme for April's Halloween Swap was "body parts" . . . a little creepy maybe, 
but I have been wanting a reason to do 
something with an old doll head.  Again . . . a little creepy.  :)
Next months theme is "witches cupboard item".  This year of Halloween swaps 
is turning out to be a lot of fun.  Stay tuned . . . 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

when pigs fly . . .

Each year Lorraine celebrates National Pig Day on March 1st.
I met Lorraine through blogging when I took her Flying Pig Challenge years ago.
This arrived in the mail the other day . . .
 . . . just as a reminder that anything is possible.   When Pigs Fly!
Visit Lorraine's Blog - Paper Vernissage - to see all the wonderful things she makes.
Thank you Lorraine!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

pumpkin head doll . . .

I had fun making this one . . . still may add a few details.
Now I want to make more pumpkin heads . . . . in all colors.
When is a monster not a monster . . . 
. . . when you love it. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

a dreadful little plant . . .

This year Yarnigras is hosting a monthly swap . . . Halloween Year of Enchantment.  
February's theme was "Perilous Plants".  
This was a fun one.
I came up with a plant nearly impossible to kill.  :)

The Dreadful Undeadlium, commonly known as a zombie plant is an extremely rare plant.  It is a remarkably easy plant to grow and honestly has very few requirements to survive.  It can be placed in full sun or shade.  It will even survive in complete darkness – although it may growl if it gets restless. (Warning: this growling sound can be very unsettling.)  If you do not have a green thumb, this is the plant for you.  It is nearly impossible to kill this plant. (Although over pruning – especially the flowering head will cause the plant to die.)  DO NOT PRUNE!  This plant requires no water or plant food, but it is always hungry and may take a bite out of you if you get too close.  CAUTION: The Dreadful Undeadlium is poisonous – one bite will prove to be fatal. 



This was so much fun to make . . . I definitely have to make some more.

Monday, February 20, 2023

steve the cat . . .

Steve is sort of an odd cat . . . I appreciate that about him.
He always seems to be there in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. 

You will always be lucky if you know
how to make friends with strange cats.
                                                  ~ Proverb


Friday, January 27, 2023

little fancy ghost . . .

I guess I never quite give up this blog and never go away completely.
Life is always busy for me . . . so even though they are far and few between,
posts will pop up here when I have the chance.  
This fancy little ghost is part of the Year of Enchantment hosted by Yarnigras Swapper Spot.
Each month we have a different Halloween theme.  
January's theme was a haunted ornament.  
I put this off until the last minute . . . so went with something simple - a ghost.  
She is pink, a little fancy with her rhinestone eyes, 
and I hope . . . also a little creepy looking.  
February's theme is "vicious plants" . . . I think that one will be fun.