
Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday Morning

I cleaned my house like a crazy woman this weekend - rearranging my bedroom and organizing. But I did have some time to get some beads out and make a couple of simple bracelets and a pair of earrings. I hadn't messed with beads in such a long time until last week - I forget how much fun it is.
A friend wanted some earrings in blue and gold to wear to her son's baseball games.

And today's mug. I woke up Saturday morning and this was sitting by the coffee maker. Richard had gotten in for me - I think to cheer me up. (I had had a terrible day on Friday).
My friend Marcia gave me a bracelet that came in this cute little silky bag. It is so fun!

"Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself." ~Elbert Hubbard


  1. You are soooo talented! I haven't had time to bead forever. I am soooo jealous..
    Whats lumpia, I don't know if I speeled it correctly but it doesn't sound good :)

  2. I second that, what is lumpia? and what are potstickers??

    Love your beading!
