
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finally painting some of my junk

I pulled this table and the chair below out of the neighbors junk pile. I love taking someone else's junk and turning into something fun. Richard thinks I am crazy sometimes - some of the junk I drag home.
This table was in our neighbors junk pile during our annual garbage pick-up. The top had a big burn mark on it and it was a wobbly, ugly little table. I wanted a table to set out by my clothesline - and this is the perfect size. I decided to paint the legs green and the top this great shade of pink (Which matches a geranium I have perfectly). I should be done painting it tonight. The best part about painting something for outside - I don't have to be so fussy that I had to take it all apart. I think it is going to turn out cute.
I got this chair from another neighbor. A quick shot of spray paint - and it is great on the patio. I want to make a new cushion for it though - until then this one works.
One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure.

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