
Friday, August 15, 2008

Cup of the Day - Friday!!!!

This is one of my favorite cups. My cabinet shelf is quite full and I have a cabinet at work I keep some in - it is ridiculous, but what can I say. I woke up this morning to the smell of coffee and I must say it did make it easier to get out of bed. Thank you Richard for always getting it made!

"Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven." ~Jessi Lane Adams

I am always glad when it is Friday (who isn't) - but since this is my first week back at work and I am still feeling the pull of summer vacation - I am really looking forward to the weekend. I have so much I want to be doing at home. I have had meetings this week and have spent my time in the office getting organized so I can work. It will all come together next week so we are ready for the first day of school on the 25th. I love the first day of school - even if I do hate to let go of summer. I think we are going out to a sushi bar after work today. We went last week and when I got my camera out to take pictures - there was no memory card in my camera (Thanks Luke!). So I will take pictures this time.


  1. Thanks for the post!! I need you here soooo bad-everyone who sees my bag wants one. Also, the bracelets are a hit too. We provided one for all of our favorites at Brewed Awakenings, so now they said they would let me bring my items into to shop to sell. I don't crochet fast enough.

  2. What a nice looking mug (love brown) and great quote!
