
Sunday, January 4, 2009

In Memory

It was two years ago today that our Grandma passed away. I miss her always - Amy does too. I am thankful that we had her for as many years as we did and for a lifetime of memories with her. She was a wonderful Grandmother!
These pictures were taken about 15 years ago.
These last two pictures were taken the last time I saw Grandma - October 2006. I will always be glad that I went to visit this time. I usually visit Iowa in the summer because I am off work - but decided sort of last minute that I needed to go home in October. I am also glad that we took these pictures that day.
So many things remind me of my grandmother - crochet hooks, doilies, crossword puzzles, the smell of toast, geraniums, rosaries, roasting marshmallows, old sheet music, Campbell soup, Whitman's candy, embroidery floss, yarn, granny squares, old christmas ornaments, quilts, milk glass, dandelions . . .
The first day I was home this particular October - I went to the nursing home to see her. Since she was in a new facility, I did not know what room she was in. I stopped at the front desk to ask for her room number and the lady pointed at Grandma sitting not too far away. When I turned around and she noticed me - she simply said, "Oh, Clare", smiled, and held out her hand. I can still hear her voice that day. I have this picture on my desk at work and every day I am reminded of how much I loved her. And even though I miss her terribly - I believe she is with me every time I pick up a hook to crochet, say a rosary, or see a red geranium.
A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend. ~Author Unknown


  1. Okay make me cry :( I am sick today...first day back to work and I had to call in.

  2. What a wonderful way to remember her. To read that made me smile. It's so importnat to celebrate life, and it sounds like she shared a wonderful one with you.

    Thanks so much for stopping my blog, I appreciate what you wrote. I am a control freak and dealing with the unknown is not a skill I've mastered. You made me feel better, thank you so much for that. It means so much.

    I just found out I have the flu on top of everything else so I'm a little emotional (blame the exhaustion). Thank you, thank you, thank you.
