
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

witch wine glass should I use . . .

Easy choice . . . this one!

Jake and Kasey bought me this cute wine glass the other day. Very cute, very thoughtful, and a sign that it is the Halloween season!!!!!

I don't get Spring Fever, but I do get Fall Fever - I want to be home decorating and working in the yard. I want to get up early and sit outside in the cool morning with a hot cup of coffee -I want to sew scary little Halloween dolls . . . I want to jump on a plane to Iowa to visit my family - because this is my favorite time of year to go back there . . . I want to make homemade soup and homemade bread . . . I want to take the whole month of October off from work - just to play. I will just have to be satisfied with doing these things with the time I have. Tonight I am sewing doll bodies, getting out some decorations, and cutting out stars to throw glitter on . . . if there's time.

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