
Friday, March 30, 2012

Pretty Pig in a Pink Party Hat . . .

A pretty pink hat . . .
. . . and a pig.

About a month ago Lorraine posted her "This Little Piggy Post".  I replied with a comment and in return received a papermache pig to decorate for her Pigs on Parade.  I ended up with . . .
 A pretty pig in a pink party hat!

Monday, March 26, 2012


I just have to keep this in mind . . . sometimes more than others.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Still getting flowers after all these years . . .

My husband made me this flower the other night.  It was his first attempt at making a rose out of duct tape. 
I love it when he surprises me with simple little things like this.
He made another one today . . . love them!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Room 12 cranes

Yesterday one of the teachers that I work with asked me to come talk to her class.  They had just finished reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.  She wanted me to tell them about my 1000 paper crane project and show them how to fold an origami crane.
The teacher had told me that the kids were excited that I was going to come talk to them - but what a welcome I received . . . and such enthusiasm.  There were a couple of faces that didn't look too interested - but once we started folding - they all were interested.  Some of the kids who had done origami before helped the others who were having trouble.  They were amazing!
I took a picture of every one's cranes - I especially liked how a couple of the little girls place their craned on the book about Sadako.
The boy who made this crane is so sweet.  He tried to help anyone who was having trouble.  If you would like to see all of the cranes from room 12 or take a look at my 1000 paper crane project . . .

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dad's Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad . . . I miss you!

"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."
                                                                         ~ Clarence Budington Kelland

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Miss Lily

Friday's at work are always a little better when I get a visit from Lily.
She is quite the worker when she puts her mind to it.
I wish this photo showed more of her fingers.  She is talking to her Grammy and telling her "peace out."
She also had to call Papa, Luke and Jake
Love our Lily Bug!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I wish this picture wasn't so dark . . . but she does this all the time so I will keep trying to get a better shot.  This is what Stella does when Luke and Abbie leave the house.  Sometimes she cries . . . but usually just watches them leave.  Stella can drive us all crazy with her antics - but she is the most unique cat we have ever had . . . and she makes me laugh.  Wishing I was home with her today . . . I could use a dose of Stella.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Breakfast with Lily

We had a sleepover last night . . . which means waffles in the morning.  Lily mixed up waffles, cracked some eggs,  and poured the syrup.
. . . and while we weren't looking - she mixed the syrup in with her scrambled eggs. 
Never a dull moment when Lily is over.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

love and rubber bands

Lot's on my mind today . . . nothing of great importance really . . . well - I guess that my biopsies all coming back good is important and great news.  I mentioned in an earlier post that melanoma seems to always be floating around in my head somewhere - waiting for biopsy results brings it more to the front.  So I am very thankful for good results.
I've also been thinking about love today . . . I guess talking to everyone I know -  all in different stages of relationships - has me thinking.  I listen to my friends - both young and not so young, both male and female - and it seems we all may be attracted to different types of people - but basically we all have the need to love and be loved.  It also seems that the fear of commitment and getting hurts seems to get in the way.  I watch people protect themselves and hold back - yet - when it comes to love I think sometimes a person just has to abandon their fears - and take the chance.  Especially if it feels right.  Then I see others put their heart out there - only to be hurt - and that makes me feel sad for them.  A broken heart can be hard to fix - although they can be fixed and many times stronger than before.  I guess I have always been a hopeless romantic - and at my age sometimes I do realize that is sort of a silly way to be.  I thought I had lost that silly romantic part of me for awhile - but I found it again and in finding it, I think it reinforced how I feel about love.  Although now - I am more of a realistic romantic.  I do know that if you plan on spending the rest of your life with someone - you better love them enough . . . enough to get through what life throws at you . . . enough to make it work . . . and enough to make it work and still be true to yourself. 
I'm thinking about completely silly things - like . . . how great my rubber band ball has become, and how cute the two little girls are, who visit me in the morning and have started their own . . . and how good my new Peace Sign air freshener (vanilla/coconut) from Bath and Body smells.
My mind is also full of ideas today - of things I want to make and things that I have to get done.  I just need to find the balance - so I have time to do the things I need to do as well and the things I want to do . . . and a little time left over for everything else. 
Time to get busy . . .