
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Room 12 cranes

Yesterday one of the teachers that I work with asked me to come talk to her class.  They had just finished reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.  She wanted me to tell them about my 1000 paper crane project and show them how to fold an origami crane.
The teacher had told me that the kids were excited that I was going to come talk to them - but what a welcome I received . . . and such enthusiasm.  There were a couple of faces that didn't look too interested - but once we started folding - they all were interested.  Some of the kids who had done origami before helped the others who were having trouble.  They were amazing!
I took a picture of every one's cranes - I especially liked how a couple of the little girls place their craned on the book about Sadako.
The boy who made this crane is so sweet.  He tried to help anyone who was having trouble.  If you would like to see all of the cranes from room 12 or take a look at my 1000 paper crane project . . .

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