
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Daily Choice

I just read the quote on the header of my blog . . . I've been living my life in a storm the last couple a weeks and let myself forget all about enjoying the rain and dancing away.  We all probably have reason to do that sometimes - dwell on the stuff that makes life hectic or difficult.  But shame on me for letting it get in the way.  I seem to have found my balance again - for now anyway. 

My dear cousin Amy posted this on Facebook this morning . . .
it's exactly what I needed to remind me . . . and get my ooola back!

Life can change in a matter of seconds, so live your life worthy while you are here, because we are only here have a CHOICE daily to choose positive, smiling, laughing and living life to its what you desire and take good care of the people you love, your parents, siblings, friends because you may not get that chance again. So, draw a line and jump over it and Love deeply, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything with no regrets and forget the past with exception of what you have learned and remember everything happens for a reason.

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