
Monday, June 4, 2012

Babies . . .

It was a wonderful, busy weekend.  Friday night a local art exhibit which included a water color painting of Sadie and some great Mexican food after.  Saturday included a bridal shower for my friends daughter and a wedding.  We were gone all day.
So today we stayed home . . . and with the temperatures nearing 100 - we convinced Lily to get into the water.  The first time in with me - she was hesitant . . . later Kasey took her in and before we knew it she was jumping to Kasey from the side of the pool, and getting her face in the water.  She had a blast!
We had both Lily and Owen visiting today.  Lily loves helping with him.  This always makes for a great day! 
Lily got a new pillow case dress from Richard's boss.  She sells these on-line - along with some other things here . . . Just Precious Boutique
At first Lily didn't want to try it on - then decided it was ok.  As soon as she got it on she said to me,  "Clare Helen, I want to show everyone." 

This picture just makes me smile! 
One last baby . . . caused a bit of excitement this morning.  We noticed a female blue jay acting quite aggressive with one of our cats.  At first we didn't think much about it - just sort of wondered if the bird would be sorry if she kept it up.  Abbie walked outside and noticed a baby blue jay next to a rock in the front yard.  I am not sure if our cat had spotted it yet - I am thinking not since it was still alive. The mother bird was determined to keep the cat away from her baby.  So what to do . . . It wasn't hurt and seemed very healthy - but wasn't quite ready to fly and even if we knew where the nest was - we probably would not be able to reach it.  So we ended up taking a hanging basket - lined with a towel, some twigs, and some leaves and hung the basket up in the tree.  The baby fell out a few more times and the mother would come and go.  But she did eventually find the baby in the basket and seemed to be feeding it.  So we are hoping for the best. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute dress and what a gorgeous smile! Who can resist helping a baby bird - hope it's doing well.
