
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

love this onesie

I decided that the quilt that Abbie asked me to make needed little matching onesies.  I know I should be completing the quilt before starting these - but I had to try just one.  I haven't appliqued in such a long time - it was fun.  Tonight I am finishing up the quilt and hopefully will have time to make a couple more of these.  I want to do a star, moon, and a tree - oh and maybe a peace sign.  I may have to buy some more onesies.  I really need more hours in every day . . . but tomorrow is the last day of summer school - Then I will have some extra time!
Luke and Abbie had an appointment yesterday for an ultra-sound.  I haven't gotten copies of the pictures yet - but saw them.  Looks like Charlotte has some chubby cheeks.

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