
Thursday, July 26, 2012

new chair cushion

I can't remember where I found this little chair.  I believe I only paid $7 for it.  I love chairs and can't walk past a cute one for $7.  I decided this one needed a new look.
It has needed a new look for quite some time - I just never got around to doing it.  I was motivated my some pretty gold fabric I found on the clearance table last week for $5.  Luke was giving me a hard time this morning about covering the chair when I had so many other things to do . . .
. . . but a little fabric and a few staples - and it looks so much better - good enough to hold a bear for Abbie's shower.  I have recovered from things going wrong yesterday and all the work it created.  When I say I have recovered - I am motivated and moving forward and not thinking about about all the things that I should have gotten done yesterday.  As far as how my body feels after all the moving furniture and cleaning that I did - I am not completely recovered.  I'm somewhat sore and moving a little slow today.  I hate that! (But I'm not going to let it stop me)

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