
Monday, July 30, 2012

shower stuff

Abbie wanted a coffee bar for the shower . . . this was before we decorated with tissue paper balls and paper lanterns.  This turned out so cute after I put pictures of Luke and Abbie on the old window.  I hope someone got a good picture of it.  I had intentions of getting more pictures than I did - but got busy.  Below are the pictures of Luke and Abbie.
This picture of Abbie is sooooo cute!!!!! 
And Luke J . . . Of course I am his mother - so I think he is cute too!
We tried to find similar pictures of the two of them . . . sort of fun how similar they were.
This kid always woke up so happy when he was little.  LOL
Christmas Abbie . . .
 . . . Christmas Luke
So I didn't get too many pictures - so hopefully others did and will send me some.  Just a few pictures that I did take.
Coffee favors . . .
 . . . with the label Luke made.  This was one of my favorite things.
Kasey turned out to be quite good at making the tissue paper balls.  I don't know what I would have done without her getting ready the night before and getting the food ready.
And what would I have done without this guy!  Three trips to the grocery store and he ended up making the fruit salad for me. 
He not only made the watermelon cradle and baby . . . but made all the melon balls.
It really turned out cute.  So funny watching him work so hard on it and making sure the ears were just right.  It was a fun day!!! 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun party. I love how everything came together for you.
