
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Trash to Treasure Tuesday . . .

I don't have a trash picture . . . (I tend to forget to take a picture of the junk that I start out with) . . . This mirror came off an old dresser that a friend had given me.  I had thought about turning the dresser into an outdoor buffet (it was a monster) - but it just seemed like too much work at the time and I did not have a place to store it.  So I kept the mirror even though it wasn't anything really special.  I decided to hang it outside - but had to get rid of the ugly stain and peeling varnish.  So again - simple flat black paint, some sanding, and some stain.
It isn't hanging up yet - obviously . . . too heavy for me to do alone.  I have another larger mirror that I am deciding what to do with.  I think I need a barn - so I can gather up old junk and have a place to store it until I decide what to do with it.  On the other hand . . . good thing I don't have a barn - I would definitely gather up old junk and store it until I did something with it.  I really enjoy and get satisfaction from taking something old and worn out and making it new again.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how potential make-overs can become take-overs of your space until you have the time. This turned out beautifully!
