
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frozen Charlotte

It was back to work yesterday.  Each year on our first day back we have have a business support charge for all of the business support staff in our school district.  It usually involves a motivational speaker, a continental  breakfast, and a group of vendors  . . . they welcome us back and let us shop.  Each year I treat myself to something.  This year I chose this necklace.  There were other necklaces that I liked - but when I was talking to Holly about her jewelry - she mentioned the little china doll on this necklace was called a "frozen Charlotte".  (that name seems to be popping up everywhere these days.)   There is sort of a weird little story behind them - but then I tend to like weird little stories.

I also bought this baby bracelet for Charlotte.  Luke seemed to think it was a ridiculous purchase.  "Mom - she's a baby - she doesn't need accessories and she will choke on it." 
I can see his point - but how cute would this be in one of her newborn pictures.  OK - maybe I am getting a little carried away with this grandma thing . . . but the bracelet is so dainty, and cute. 

If you want to check out Holly's jewelry - here is the link to her Etsy shop

I kept my promise to myself - and worked on a project last night.  Abbie wanted me to make her a bath apron out of a towel.  I had never seen one - but you take a bath towel and turn it into an apron to use when giving a baby a bath . . . Great idea! . . . and so simple to make.  I would have gotten it done - but I ran out of thread.  So after work it is a quick stop at the fabric store and then home to finish sewing.   

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty cool necklace. I always thought a frozen Charlotte was some kind of dessert - thanks for straightening me out. :)
