
Sunday, August 26, 2012

one more thing . . .

One more little project before going to bed tonight.  I think I am in denial about the weekend being over.  Monday morning will be here bright and early . . . I will just have to be tired I guess, but I have a cute new fabric lanyard to wear to work.  I used three different fabrics pieced together - rather than making it all the same fabric.  Photos could be better - but it's late, I'm a little tired, and I used my phone rather than my camera . . . I really need to charge the batteries for my camera and start using it.
So I am done for the night - but while I was staying up sewing, I started watching the movie "Cold Mountain" . . . I will probably stay up finish watching it.
Late night movies . . and late night sewing.  I haven't done that in awhile.  If I didn't have to get up at 5:00 and go to work - I would probably make a pot of coffee and start another project.  Which sounds tempting  . . . but better not.  Three little things I made today . . . simple, but fun. 
 Here's to a great week!

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