
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

50 new cranes ready to go

I worked on cranes for my crane project last night.  I have 50 new cranes all folded, quoted, and ready to go.
If you haven't seen my crane project before . . . check it out here.
It is taking me a little longer than I expected.  Life gets in the way once in awhile and I don't get as many cranes dropped as I would like, but I am still at it and will finish with 1000 cranes. 
I've had some responses lately - both from people who have picked up my cranes and from people who have found my 1000 crane project on-line. 
I love how they look . . .


  1. I love your dedication to your project. All those beautiful cranes!

  2. I will always love the look of these beautiful origami papers . . . when I finish this project I am going to have to come up with something else - maybe another type of project. I'll have to think about that one. :)
