
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sept 1, 2012 . . . day trip


We decided to get out of the heat and do something fun yesterday.  We have lived just a short drive away from the Giant Sequoias for more than 20 years and I have never seen them.  That is terrible - right?  So - that is where we took set off for yesterday. 
What a beautiful day!  And the trees are of course amazing.  You can spend the whole day walking and driving around this forest and continue to be in awe of them.  On our drive up - a good size bear walked out of the trees and crossed the road in front of us.  We were so excited - that by the time I got my camera out to take a picture - he was too far into the shadows for me to snap a picture of him.  (from now on . . . always have camera in my hands - even while driving) 
General Sherman

When I snapped this picture it reminded me of Darth Vadar . . . now that I look it maybe Darth Vadar's head on the Michelin Man.  LOL
I don't know - big trees, big shadow.  Whatever . . . it made me laugh.
We wanted to climb Moro Rock.  Rather than take a shuttle we took a trail through the forest.  It was only about 1.5 miles and so beautiful . . . but every so often I found myself thinking about the bear that we say earlier . . .
This is Moro Rock . . . I really wanted to climb this.  I am somewhat afraid of heights - and am trying to do things that I normally would not do.  I did not make it to the very end.  I got up to where you can see the railing on the right.  When I looked ahead (you can see one man up there in the picture) - I decided I had probably gone far enough for me.  The steps were really crowded with people hanging onto small kids and I couldn't actually see what was up and around the turn.  I didn't want to get up there and not be able to turn back if I wanted.  I know - big chicken.  : )  But for being afraid of heights . . . I did pretty good.  I just had the feeling once I got up around the turn I would be looking straight over the railing at nothing but air and a long way down.

Coming back home . . . had to stop at Minkler Cash Store. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a great place to visit.
