
Monday, October 29, 2012

October fun

We had pumpkin carving night this weekend - which included a big pot of chili, a backyard fire, and s'mores.  We had a great time and I love how all of the Jack-O-Lanterns turned out! 

Lily did not like digging out the insides of the pumpkins.  We did get her finally to use the scraper once the seeds were taken out, but she pretty much made up her mind that she did not like this slimy stuff and was not going to touch it. 
She did like making rock monsters . . . I love watching her little hands at work!  I had lots of different colors of paint for her to choose from . . . she wanted to paint both of her rocks black.
They seem to be happy monsters!
And this seems to be one happy little guy!
Owen wasn't able to join us the night we carved pumpkins.  I had hoped to get a picture of all three of the little ones wearing their candy corn beanies.   Owens dad is a San Francisco Giants fan, so I crocheted his using black instead of yellow.  Thanks Ashley for sending me this picture of him wearing his beanie.  GO GIANTS!
And in all of the confusion I didn't get a good picture of Lily and Charlotte with their beanies on . . . we couldn't seem to catch Charlotte when she was awake.
I also crocheted a little this weekend . . . another beanie modeled by a skeleton of course (it's October - so that makes complete sense) and a little stuffed pumpkin. 

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