
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So cute . . . they are spooky!

I bought these two dolls this past weekend at Halloween & Vine in Petaluma.  I already posted a picture of this sweet thing made by Kerry Howard Schmidt.  You can find more of her felted creations here . . Paper Moon Gallery
I just love the vintage doll dress that she is wearing.
This is Warren.  I have always loved the dolls that Christy Silacci creates.  I had a hard time deciding which one to buy . . . not really sure why I finally decided on Warren, but I am glad that I did.


  1. I wouldn't have been able to decide and would have had to sneak both into the house :) They are both very wonderful creations!

  2. These two ladies are very inspiring. I love their creations. Hopefully tonight I can start decorating for Halloween and find them a special place to sit for the month of October.
