
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Busy Little Elf . . .

I'm a few days behind on my elf pictures . . . just had other things on my mind and busy with things.
How wonderful is this Christmas Elf photo . . . Elf and Owen.  He is one sweet boy!
 . . . sitting with the Christmas Raggedys that my mom made for me years ago. 
 . . . and up on top of the fridge with all the snowmen.
I'm not sure what Dorothy and Scarecrow are pointing out to him.  : )
The little glass kittens that Elf is sitting next to were a present I received when I was five years old - when I had my tonsils out. 
A finaly picture of Elf tonight with another doll that I made.  This one is for a friend of mine to give to her daughter for a gift.

My favorite thing about her is her little bag that I made out of a baby sock. There is a little note tucked away inside of it.
I seem to be fighting something off today - and here I am staying up way too late.  Why do I do this?  It is off to bed . . . Goodnight!

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