
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Elf and Stella . . .

December 1st . . .
Last year my mother gave me the little Christmas Elf that sat on her window sill every year for as long as I can remember.  I can remember helping her decorate each year and having my favorite things that I like to set out.  This was one of my favorites.  I had forgotten that I had wanted to take a picture of him each day this December . . . I believe it is Target that has brought this little guy back into popularity.   So when I pulled him out of a box this afternoon, I decided it wasn't too late to start my daily Christmas elf pictures . . . I'm only one day behind.  Since Stella has been involved with my Christmas decorations this year . . . (I am not sure if I will even get the ornaments on the tree) . . . I thought I would start with a picture of Stella and the Christmas Elf.  Hopefully she won't take an interest in him and think he is her toy.
December 2nd . . .
Christmas Elf with some friends . . . Beanie Babies that are named Luke and Jake (my son's names) and a little decorated paper mache flying pig that I made for the Pigs on Parade  challenge earlier this year.  There, I am caught up . . . and now this little vintage Christmas Elf is officially a part of this year's holiday.  
I mentioned that Stella had been involved with my decorating this year.  She discovered the Christmas tree the night that we put it up - climbed up into it and simply laid down on the branches.   I gave her a couple of days to get used to it, hoping that maybe, just maybe she would lose interest.  But, this is Stella I am talking about.  I started putting ornaments on the tree today (while she was sleeping - (which only delayed her taking an interest) . . . this time she actually jumped up into the tree when I reached for her . . . then proceeded to lay down and paw at the ornaments.  Never a dull moment with Stella around. 

1 comment:

  1. How nice of you to provide her with such a great hide out! I remember having to tie the tree to the window locks with fishing line so the cat(s) wouldn't knock it down.

    See now, if I had read your posts in order I would have known all about this sweet little elf. I think it's wonderful to have something that brings back such sweet memories of our childhood. I know you'll have lot's of fun "picturing" him all about as we travel through December.
