
Saturday, December 29, 2012

These make me laugh . . .

  I guess she didn't like the flash that the camera made.
Oh my . . . what a face!
I found the cutest book for Owen and Charlotte for Christmas.  It is called Tickle Monster
It came with these tickle monster gloves . . . which both my adult sons thought were the greatest things.  Here Luke is just wearing them . . . . 
. . . and Stella - she always makes me laugh!

The New Year is nearly upon us.  I'm not one to make resolutions . . . never really have been.  But looking at these pictures this morning make me think about it a little bit.  So here goes . . .

For 2013
Laugh more
Worry less (pray every day)
Create something every day
Volunteer (something I really need to make happen)
Read more
Take better care of myself (as in lose weight, drink more water, eat healthier, exercise, get enough rest . . . well maybe I won't get enough rest - I'm going to be too busy reading, volunteering, laughing, drinking water, and creating.)

Do you make New Years Resolutions?

“You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”   ~ Michael Pritchard


  1. What a sweetie, even with that face! How joyful it must be to have little ones around at Christmas. I'm still contemplating my New Year's Resolutions - yours sound doable. Good luck and God bless!

    1. Have a wonderful New Year's Lorraine . . . Bless you too!
