
Friday, January 4, 2013

one of the girls . . .

I have pictures  . . . just can't seem to get them on here.  When I go to upload a picture it does not give me the option to "Browse" . . . . like the screen isn't fully loaded or something.  I am able to get pictures from Picasa Web folders . . . it just isn't letting me upload them from my computer?????  My computer seems to working fine otherwise . . . so I don't know what is going on. So imagine a very simple but cute beanie that I made for Abbie, a new shelf that Richard made me for my craft room, coffee stained doll bodies, and some wonderful things that my mom sent me.   Hopefully I will get it figured out.  My vacation is nearly over . . . I have lots of things I want to do today . . . and some things I have to do today - so I better get going.

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