
Sunday, February 24, 2013

52 Lists . . . and Saturday Seven (on Sunday again)

Here is this week's list from the 52 list challenge from Meet Me at Mikes
Better a little late than never . . . it has been one of those weeks again.
Some of my favorite flowers and a bonus list - Messy Things I Like . . .
And also the Saturday Seven from planettreasures
Amazing Buildings . . . I decided just to search amazing building and came up with these seven . . .
This building makes music when it rains - I would live to hear this.  I do wonder if people live in this building - that it may be hard to sleep when it is raining . . . or would you eventually just get used to the sound?
Casa Batllo - love how this one looks . . . would love to see this one
Cologne Cathedral in Germany
Hotel Inntel - Zaandam, Netherlands
Is a tower considered a building????  - Eiffel Tower . . . I think it is beautiful!
Flatiron Building - NYC  I love buildings like this - sitting on a corner
I am not sure of the name of this one - but I believe it is Ireland.
I am caught up on my lists for this past week.  I am going to enjoy the rest of my weekend - although I have way to much to do in a very short time - and I look forward to next week's list.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a building that makes music - very clever!
