
Friday, February 1, 2013

Love in a grocery store . . .

Today's heart . . . love in a grocery store. 
I have been up since 3:30 this morning.  We are having a potluck at work today - and I didn't feel like making my salad last night . . . (because . . . I had to watch another episode of "The Walking Dead" - I'm hopelessly hooked on that show for some reason.)  Anyway . . . I just decided to get up way early and make the salad before I came to work.  It was easy to get up so early - since I couldn't seem to sleep after a certain point anyway.  My head is so full of ideas and thoughts and I was just laying there with everything running through my head.  I love and hate when I get in this mood - if that makes sense.  I have all these ideas of things I want to make and do, and I have been having all these Ahh - Ha moments . . . very good ones, that help me make sense of a few things in my life.  It is all very positive stuff - but when I get like this I tend to get frustrated that I don't have more time to do all the stuff in my head.  So, I just have to make the most of the time that I have . . . I am looking forward to a weekend doing just that.  Rambling now . . . another thing that goes along with this mood of mine.
I had hoped to post pictures of my little red headed zombie doll -that I was finally able to finish, but I left my camera at home -  those pictures will have to wait until later today. So for now it is just today's heart and a little February ooola for a Happy Friday! 
“Laugh as much as you breathe
    and love as long as you live.”  ~ Brandi Snyder

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