
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Seven . . . and 52 lists (better late than never)

I missed last week's Saturday Seven from planettreasures.  The two weeks before that I think I did them on Sunday . . . even worse - this week I am a week late, but better late than never???
Things I need to do . . .
1. Catch up on my list challenges
2. Work on my Shabby Charlotte dolls - I think I have 7 of them ordered.
3. Play tennis - the weather has been beautiful and I want the exercise
4. Get my photographs in order (A project for Spring Break)
5 Spring cleaning . . . (thank goodness for Spring Break)
6. Get my garden started
7. Make a t-shirt quilt for a friend's daughter.

And now to catch up on the 52 list challenge from Meet Me At Mikes
Favorite Words and Good Stuff to Eat for Breakfast . . . nothing fancy - just typing my lists to get caught up. 
Favorite words . . . don't know if I have ever thought about this, but let me give it a try.
favorite words . . .  for one reason or another
                                                                 apocalypse (just fun to say . . . sort of a family joke)
                                  Ooola  (not be a real word)
                                   bastard (another family joke)
Good Stuff to Eat for Breakfast
Coffee - unfortunately usually what I have for breakfast
English Muffin and yogurt
Leftover with Eggs
Mixed Fruit
Bagels w/Cream Cheese
French Toast
Breakfast Casserole
Toast and Eggs
So I am caught up on my list challenges . . .
I saw this sign yesterday while out shopping . . . thought it was funny.
Busy day today . . . but mostly doing the things that I want to do.

1 comment:

  1. I love your #1 on the list!
    and you remind me I need to get my photos in order as well! In fact I still need to get some printed from my last trip.
    Tennis! yes! Go for it!
