
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Irish Shabby Charlotte and no cancer!!!!!

A little Irish Shabby Charlotte.  This one I made for my granddaughter Charlotte.  I started making these dolls with the idea that I would make her one for each holiday this year.   But I have more ideas for dolls for her than holidays.  I want to make her a little Czech Charlotte, a "one sock" Charlotte, a mermaid Charlotte . . . I'm sure I will think of more. 

This little Shabby Charlotte is all Irish. She is a happy little doll who loves to smile and laugh. She is very proud of her green eyes. She likes to have tea parties with yummy sweet treats, but also likes green vegetables. In fact she likes everything green. Her favorite holiday is St. Patrick’s Day - of course. She believes in leprechauns and hopes that maybe someday she will get close enough to one to invite him to one of her tea parties. Little Irish Charlotte is very lucky . . . so keep her close to you and maybe you will be lucky too.

This is my favorite little Irish Charlotte!

* * * * *
I don't know if I really believe in luck . . . but I am feeling very blessed and lucky after seeing my oncologist on Monday and getting the results from my PET scan.  NO MELANOMA! 
If you know anything about melanoma - you know that is wonderful news.  If you don't really know about melanoma - get online and read about it, wear sunscreen, limit your time in the sun, and STAY OUT OF TANNING BEDS!  If there is someone you care about who uses tanning beds - tell them to stop! 
I do have a tumor on my adrenal gland.  I have another test to determine what type of tumor it is . . . and I may possibly need to have my adrenal gland removed.  Not anywhere near as serious as if it had been melanoma. 
I'm glad it is all over . . . happy . . . relieved. 


  1. I gasped a sigh of relief - lucky indeed!

    Beautiful doll and who wouldn't love that original Irish Charlotte!

  2. Thank you Lorraine . . . I know you can understand the relief. My prayers are with you.
