
Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring stuff

We started planting some vegetables . . . some new soil and a little fertilizer and the tomatoes are ready to go.  There is nothing better than a tomato out of the garden . . . I can hardly wait to taste them.  I bought two different types this year.  These beef master tomatoes are supposed to be big - Richard will love them when we grill burgers.
Jalapenos of course . . . I couldn't find any of the peppers we usually get (Fresno chilis) - so will have to go back and look for them this week.  I also need to get cucumbers, zucchini, and if we get another garden bed built soon enough - I may have to try something new - maybe some gourds or pumpkins to use for decorating in the Fall would be fun.
Vegetables in the ground - and flowers are blooming.  Carnations are one of my favorites because they remind me of my grandma.  Her favorite were red - I tend to like the pink ones.  (I am going to have to plant some red ones.)  I remember when I first moved to California being so amazed by how big the carnations grew.  Growing up in Midwest - I remember my grandma having to bring them in every winter and keeping them in her basement - then bringing them out each Spring.  She only grew them in containers - and they never got this big.  Whenever I smell carnations - it brings back memories of home and her basement . . . we spent hours down there playing.
This Spring - we have this little flower . . . showing off her new bow. 
I love her chubby little cheeks!
Today - Opening Day of Major League Baseball. 
We kept with our traditional dinner of polish dogs. 
 "People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." ~Rogers Hornsby

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