
Sunday, May 19, 2013

strings of pom poms

I made a few more pom poms while watching movies this weekend.  I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with them while I was making them.  I decided just to string them together and figured I would fine a place to hang them up.  I like this string the best . . .
. . . but these blue and purple ones work perfect over this framed chalkboard.  Which reminds me . . . I need to mess with my chalkboard paint some more.
I liked the board before . . . but this is way better. 
Stella even gets a little left over pom pom on her collar.  From the face she is making . . . she isn't too thrilled about it.

1 comment:

  1. They both look great, though I do love the way the blue one goes with the chalkboard.
