
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Best things about the weekend . . .

What a wonderful weekend!
 Walking with Charlotte again.  This time she wore her flowered hat and brought two pacifiers along on the ride . . .
  . . . which she kept trading back and forth.  Every time I looked down she had swapped the one in her mouth for the one in her hand. 
I think she is getting used to walking with Grandma. 
She was awake for the whole four miles that we walked, then fell asleep right when we got back to the house.
Reading by the pool. 
I also have some very funny pictures of Richard in a beach towel . . . but they are way to embarrassing and I don't think he would appreciate me sharing . . . so for my eyes only.  :)
A surprise visit . . . he wasn't too happy about the pool at first, but ended up having a good time. 
Making beads out of clay with Lily . . .
Here are a few of her beads.  She plans on stringing them together next time she comes over.
Best part of the weekend!
Some Sunday afternoon tennis . . .
. . . followed by lunch and a cold drink.
And finally a new Shabby Charlotte doll.  This one was special ordered for a sweet little girl named Sarah.
Cissy is the best little doll ever.  She is pure joy and sunshine.  She isn’t one to have a favorite of anything . . . she has found that it is much more fun just to like everything.  Although, she does like gum and carries a bag of gumballs in her bag just in case she gets in the mood for some.   Cissy loves to sing and dance, but sometimes she just likes to be a little quiet and snuggle with someone who makes her feel safe.  She is very wise for such a little doll and realizes just how special a daddy is to a little girl – so she also carries a little note about daddies in her bag.  Spend a little time with Cissy each day and you can’t help but be a little bit happier.
Hope your weekend was the Best!

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