
Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Day of School . . .

Our wonderful crossing guards on the last day of school.  Horns were honking, children were crossing . . . safety first, but a little fun never hurts.  Love these amazing ladies.
They even decorated the bushes.
Here's to another great school year!  This one went by so fast, I guess what they say is true . . . Time flies when you are having fun!
The last day of school is always a little combination of relief, excitement,  and sadness.  Some of our kids and staff will not be returning . . . The youngest of our students are absolutely priceless performing at their end of the year assemblies . . . there are field trips, read & feeds, parties, and sprinkler runs . . . summer vacation is finally here!
"Hey! It's summer! Be free and happy and danceful and uninhibited and now-y!"
                                              ~Terri Guillemets

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Your crossing guards are a hoot! Relax and enjoy!
