
Friday, June 28, 2013

vegetables and sunflowers . . .

Today is actually my first day of summer break.  School was out three weeks ago - but I had to work a week after that and then worked two weeks of summer school.  I was enjoying summer before . . . being off work for a few weeks will be even better.  I started the day off working in the yard before it got too God awful hot.  When I say hot - I mean the high is supposed to be 108. 
From our garden!  I am so excited - especially for the tomatoes and cucumbers.  I think a good summer salad is in order tonight. 
My sunflowers are doing great.  Although I think the snails may be eating the leaves.  I have to do something about that.  They are showing signs of flowers though.  I planted giant sunflowers about 3 years ago - but happened to be back in Iowa visiting  mom when they bloomed.  Richard sent me a picture of the sunflowers every day.  Little did he know how much that meant to me.  We were going through a really bad time in our marriage then.  I think both of us thought it was over.  I remember thinking later . . . that this is a man - even though we were hardly talking and not getting along (at all) - he still took the time to send me that picture every single day - so I could enjoy the sunflowers that I had planted . . . that no matter what the state of our marriage was . . . he loved me - and in spite of everything - I loved him.  Something so simple, but it was one of the reasons I decided to work things out.  It was a battle let me tell  you - but we put our marriage back together.  I have always liked sunflowers . . . but they have a very special meaning to me now.  I hadn't planned on getting so serious about that . . . but that's me!
The plants are nearly as tall as I am . . . and even better I will be home to see them bloom. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope that heat burns itself up before it travels to the east coast. We have afternoon thunderstorms forecast for the next week and we've already had one a day since Sunday. That's summer! I bet that salad will be a delicious, cool respite from the heat. And those little endearments can mean the most at the roughest times.
