
Friday, July 12, 2013

Just a quiet Friday

Sort of a long day.  I had another CT scan . . . nothing serious, sort of a follow up to see if the tumor on my adrenal gland is getting larger.  I am glad to have that out of the way . . . the scans are not so bad, but when they tell you to be prepared you are going to get hot . . . they don't tell you that you are suddenly going to feel yourself heat up from the inside out . . . strangest feeling.
Richard and I went and played tennis after . . . even though it was hot.  I felt like I need to run and work up a sweat (perfect day for that).  I had to take this picture . . . simply because Richard is an excellent tennis player - and I think this is the most balls I have ever seen on his side of the net.  We simply stunk it up . . . but had a good time anyway. 

We got home late . . . and I happened to notice today's chalkboard message - and I have to agree . . . Charlotte is amazing!  She is still sick . . . but doing much better today.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I hate that feeling too! They always tell me - "it's going to feel like you wet your pants." Glad you got it over with. Hope it all goes well and hopefully, as I'm several days behind, Charlotte is feeling better.
