
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Halloween Time!

EEK . . . time for Halloween decorations!

 I'm sure I posted about this last year, but always have to take a picture of this cute book.  This is one of my favorites . . . our library at school had to discard this book a few years ago because of the references to witches.  It is full of cute Halloween poems and illustrations and has this wonderful black on black witch on the cover.  Our librarian thought I had to have it.
 Some old . . .
 . . . some new.  Andrew an American Creature (one of my Halloween & Vine buys) found a home hanging on a shelf in the entry.  He fits right in.

I bought this cat last year at Halloween & Vine.  His name is Warren . . . made by the same artist that made Andrew. (Christy Silacci)
I had hoped to get more things up today . . . but it's a start.
When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
                                   ~Author Unknown

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