
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Better late than never . . . family & shadows

I am behind on the last two days of the Sweet November photo challenge 
. . . . better late than never.  Thursday's prompt was family . . . also the reason I didn't post - I spent the day with my family.  We weren't all together until later in the day - that happens now that my kids are older and have other families to visit.  The earlier part of the day was spent playing tennis, cooking, and simply enjoying the holiday.  I had another photo that I wanted to post for family, but was not able to find it.  After the kids got here we got looking through old photos . . . and found this one.  Jake thinks we should use the refrigerator box and take this photo again . . .
Friday's prompt was shadows . . . of course it is going to be . . .PEACE!
Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I saw something somewhere recently where people had redone some of their childhood photos. It was pretty cool. I was reminded of your previous photo of Charlotte and Lily in the box. There's nothing like a good box. Peace to you too!
