
Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22nd . . . comfort

Today's prompt is comfort . . . at first I thought of hot chocolate, cozy quilts, or comfortable worn in slippers.  Then I thought more about it  . . . what do I get my comfort from?  It's him . . . we have been together for over 32 years.  We have been through tough time financially . . . he always made me feel better and did whatever was necessary to get us through.  We have been through some things with our children . . . and when I wanted to just cry and give up - he told me it would be ok . . . and because he was there with me - it was.    We have been through some very tough times in our marriage when I wasn't sure if he was there for me . . . but I know now that he always was.  I faced some health issues - and the look in his eyes told me I would never be alone. 

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