We have been off work for over a week . . . I think we are even starting to forget what day of the week it is. :) I guess that is a sign that we are relaxing and enjoying our time off. I love days when nothing is special and everything is special . . .
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
candles & pop rocks . . .
I sewed up some simple "Winter Warmers" today. I cut the fabric
10 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches - sewed simple bags and them filled them with long grain rice and then finished sewing them shut. I also added some whole cloves so they smell nice when you heat them up. I added little tags just because. You heat them in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. They are perfect for warming up your bed or for soothing sore muscles.
I usually don't drink anything like this . . . I am a girl that likes her beer, but when I found out the glass was rimmed with Pop Rocks . . . I had to try it. It is called a Pollasky Popper. It was invented by a young man who works at the Italian restaurant we go to - and we happened to see him making this drink for someone yesterday. I believe he won a local contest with it. A little too sweet for me and I rarely drink mixed drinks . . . but really a fun drink . . . Pop Rocks - what a great idea.
Surprise Package . . .
I received a very special package in the mail yesterday . . . from Lorraine. I have been following her blog for sometime. One of the best things about blogging is meeting people . . . and making new friends. Thank you Lorraine for these wonderful gifts, inspiration, and your kindness . . .
origami crane necklace and earrings . . .
. . . glass vegetable beads - (I have ideas for a Shabby Charlotte doll already.) I love the little eggplant and cucumber . . .
Lorraine also made this beautiful card . . . the photo does not do it justice.
. . . and a unique bracelet knitted out of paper yarn.
I have been enjoying my vacation . . . trying to stay motivated and get some things done, but I am finding that I am easily distracted - and can drop everything just to go out and do something fun. I am thinking that is a very good thing.
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
- Robert Brault
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Christmas gifts . . .
We had a wonderful Christmas . . . having little ones around again make it so much fun. Richard made Charlotte a baby cradle - and I sewed a little mattress, quilt, and pillow for it. We took the big frame that we used for her birthday party . . . and turned it into a magnet board for her. She loves the magnets on the refrigerator . . . thought this would be a fun way for her to play with her magnets when she isn't underfoot in the kitchen.
Monday, December 23, 2013
tennis racquet to beer sampler . . .
Richard turned this old tennis racquet into a beer sampler . . . complete with a bowl for peanuts or pretzels. We love how this one turned out . . . it is Christmas gift for a friend.
He also made these earlier in the week as a gift for some other friends.
Tis the season . . .
Sunday, December 22, 2013
we bought socks . . . .
We were out finishing up our Christmas shopping today . . . and for some reason I had to have these socks. It doesn't take much for me to get Richard to do things like this . . . but I did ask him why he goes along with me and lets me take pictures on top of it. He answer . . . "because I 'sockin' love you." I think he is just as weird as I am. I am so wearing these to play tennis. :)
"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
~ Bob Marley
Friday, December 20, 2013
Aleena's 1st Christmas
I have posted a couple of times about Aleena. She was born premature - between 24 and 25 weeks. She is truly a little miracle. We refer to her as a million dollar baby (not kidding . . . there was a mix up with the insurance company and her parents actually received a bill for just over a million dollars.) I work with her mother . . . and today we were blessed with a visit from this little elf. Our office is a good place to be today.
Merry Christmas!
Sweet Charlotte . . .
All dressed up for her Santa picture . . . but looking quite serious. Poor little thing isn't feeling well. I am looking forward to some Grandma time the next two weeks.
I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.
~Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
World's Greatest Crossing Guards!
They are dressing up each day this week . . .
They have had such great feedback from people who drive by our school each morning. When I walk out to take their picture - there are always people waving and honking their horns. One woman even stopped and gave them Starbuck's gift cards. She told them that she was in a very bad moon one morning and when she drove by and saw them dressed up for whatever holiday it was . . . she actually laughed out loud - and it changed her whole day. You never know what kind of an impact you my have on another person . . .
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Funny Things . . .
Today's elf photo - at the tennis court . . .
. . . and a great ostrich hand puppet that I ordered for Charlotte for Christmas.
“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!”
~ Dr. Seuss
Monday, December 16, 2013
Bleachy Christmas Trees
I found this idea to bleach these bottle brush Christmas trees on this wonderful blog - A Fanciful Twist. So I thought I would give it a try. I bought a package of the Christmas trees at Michael's (I had a hard time finding them and was told they didn't have any, but finally located them in the section where they sell the Christmas village pieces.) I love how they turned out! You can also dye them after you bleach them - pink ones would be cute. Or you can add glitter (which I might do tonight) . . . as well as find fun places to set them.
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
re-purposed croquet ball . . .
We found this croquet ball in an antique store the other day and had the idea to make it into a candle holder. Richard simply drilled a hole the size to fit a tea light candle . . . and sanded the other side of the ball flat so it would stand up. I love re-purposing things like this . . .
Shabby Charlotte doll . . . Noella
It has been awhile since I have made a Shabby Charlotte doll . . . at least I will get one done for Christmas. Meet Noella.
Noella is full of Christmas Spirit all year long. She loves Christmas and all the things that
go along with it . . . cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas Carols . . . you name
it. She especially likes vintage
Christmas ornaments, glitter, and snowflakes.
She carries her own magic snowflake in her bag, along with a jingle bell
to remind her of Christmas all year. She
loves to sit in Christmas trees surrounded by lights and ornaments – it makes
her feel pretty and magical. She is a
wise little doll and realizes the real magic of Christmas is about spending it
with the people you love.
Now I want to make more. After finishing her last night - my head was full of ideas. I do have one that I hope to make for a gift this week - another red head. I had intentions of getting more listed on Etsy for the holidays . . . but I don't always get done what I intend to get done, but who know what will happen this week.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Saturday . . .
Richard found this idea online and wanted to try it. He simply unrolled the packaged cinnamon rolls - then rerolled them after putting in a slice of bacon . . . then bake according to the directions on the cinnamon roll package. They actually were pretty good - but we talked about if we did it again we would fry the bacon a little bit before rolling it into the cinnamon roll . . . it would then be a little crispier. They tasted great though . . . especially with the eggs on top.
We were downtown again today . . . walking through antique stores. I'm not sure why we decided to do that - but ended up down there. I always like Raggedys . . . although this one looks sort of like a zombie - I guess I should like that too. :)
I saw tons of cute things . . . but didn't end up buying anything. We were looking for some old wood tennis racquets, but didn't see any - Richard has an idea for a Christmas gift he wants to make for a friend . . . we will have to keep looking.