
Sunday, December 29, 2013

candles & pop rocks . . .

I sewed up some simple "Winter Warmers" today.  I cut the fabric
10 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches - sewed simple bags and them filled them with long grain rice and then finished sewing them shut.  I also added some whole cloves so they smell nice when you heat them up.  I added little tags just because.  You heat them in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.  They are perfect for warming up your bed or for soothing sore muscles. 

I usually don't drink anything like this . . . I am a girl that likes her beer, but when I found out the glass was rimmed with Pop Rocks . . . I had to try it.  It is called a Pollasky Popper.  It was invented by a young man who works at the Italian restaurant we go to - and we happened to see him making this drink for someone yesterday.  I believe he won a local contest with it.  A little too sweet for me and I rarely drink mixed drinks . . . but really a fun drink . . . Pop Rocks - what a great idea.

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