
Monday, December 2, 2013

little hands and doodles . . .

 Vintage Christmas Elf . . . day 2.  I am always on the lookout for old Christmas ornaments.  These are just small, simple little ornaments - but I love the colors.
I'm back at work this morning after a week off from work . . . which means tearing off my November calendar page along with the November doodles . . . and moving into December.  I actually worked on a doll last night . . . a new Shabby Charlotte is way over do.


  1. The little hands photo is precious. Looks like she knows what she's doing and doing it well.

  2. You would think she did know what she was doing . . . also when she gets ahold of my cell phone. She uses her little finger to flip through pictures - it is fun to watch those little hands.
