
Friday, January 31, 2014

Plan B

Life is all about how you handle Plan B.

Super Bowl Crossing Guards

Our Crossing Guards this morning . . . one of them was a little more liked than the other one this morning.  :)
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

rainy day picture walk . . .


I spent my lunch hour taking a walk today.  I was hoping it would be raining - so I could just listen to the rain and enjoy, but the rain had let up.  As always when I go for a walk . . . I see what I can see.  Something usually catches my eye.  I had to smile when right before I got back to work I saw the chalk on the block wall . . . what could be better than
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness.

Good Morning . . . good day!

I had hoped to have my doll done a few days ago . . . but I'm just letting life get in the way.  That's OK - because it's the good part of life, but I really had hoped to get more than just one doll made this month.  At least I worked on her a little bit last night.  I have her name picked out . . . and some ideas for her story - I just keep getting distracted.
I also folded some origami cranes.  I have a friend who teaches at an intermediate school and her classes are studying Japan.  Some of the kids in her two classes went to school where I work and they remembered me folding origami cranes with them when they were in 4th grade . . . so I told her I would fold enough cranes for the kids in her two classes. 
We woke up to rain this morning.  I don't think it is supposed to amount to much, but we will take what we can get . . . we really need the rain.  I really like rainy days . . . today is going to be a good day!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Homemade Pizza . . .

 We made pizza for dinner last night . . . it turned out so good.  I had a Boboli pizza crust that I brushed with olive oil and put on a small amount of Alfredo sauce.  We then topped it with shredded chicken, fresh spinach, tomatoes, fresh garlic, red onion, mozzarella & Parmesan cheese and topped with jalapenos.  So tasty - that we felt that we had to give it a name.  "Garlic Monkey Pizza"

I am up to crane #411 with my crane project . . . slow, but I am making progress.  I am nearing the half way point. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Italian Wedding Soup

We made Italian wedding soup for dinner tonight.  Richard found the recipe in Food Network magazine.   Next time . . . we will add a little Italian sausage to the meatballs and maybe top with a different cheese . . . but it turned out pretty good. 

blue cranes . . . & happiness


Happiness depends less on what happens to us, and more on how we view the past, enjoy the moment, and create the future.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

good weekend . . .

sleeping Charlotte . . . midnight waffles . . . Friday night paper cranes . . . recycled tennis balls (since Charlotte is now the same height as the table)
 . . . and Sunday BBQ with the kids.  I wish we had a little more weekend.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fun . . . 24-7

What a wonderful lazy Saturday . . . I did get a few things done, although not enough - because lunch, cribbage, and watching a movie seemed much more important . . . and definitely more fun.

Luke and Jake

 Weren't they just small boys . . .  not that long ago?
I don't really want to explain why this photo means so much to me . . .
I don't even think I could explain it to them  . . .
I love my sons!

playground geese . . .

These geese spend a little time each day on our playground.  I don't always get outside when they are there . . . but I had to walk outside yesterday morning and once I heard them - I turned around and got my camera.  Not very good photos . . . but it was fun trying to get close enough to them so I could even snap a picture.  Every time I would take few steps toward them all their heads would pop up and they would start moving.  I was as patient as time allowed and was able to snap a couple of pictures.  I love the sound they make . . . especially when they are flying overhead. 
I think everyone on our campus enjoys them . . . one of those little simple pleasures that life gives us - if we take the time to notice and enjoy.

Friday, January 24, 2014


A  little bit of Friday photo fun this morning. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

photo apps and a doll . . .

I so enjoy the photo apps on my phone . . . I have a bunch, but seem to always go back to a couple of them that I really like.  I like taking the same photo . . . and seeing it with different effects.  One of those simple little things that I get excited about.  :)
I have been working on a Shabby Charlotte doll.  I had hoped to have her finished last night, but I can easily get distracted . . . with photo apps, taking a walk, watching the Australian Open and the rest of a movie I wanted to finish - so maybe she will get finished tonight. 
Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Good night for a walk . . .

Nothing like a nighttime stroll
to give you ideas. 
                       ~J.K. Rowling