
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good Morning . . . good day!

I had hoped to have my doll done a few days ago . . . but I'm just letting life get in the way.  That's OK - because it's the good part of life, but I really had hoped to get more than just one doll made this month.  At least I worked on her a little bit last night.  I have her name picked out . . . and some ideas for her story - I just keep getting distracted.
I also folded some origami cranes.  I have a friend who teaches at an intermediate school and her classes are studying Japan.  Some of the kids in her two classes went to school where I work and they remembered me folding origami cranes with them when they were in 4th grade . . . so I told her I would fold enough cranes for the kids in her two classes. 
We woke up to rain this morning.  I don't think it is supposed to amount to much, but we will take what we can get . . . we really need the rain.  I really like rainy days . . . today is going to be a good day!

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