
Friday, May 30, 2014

books . . . "Turning Pages"

We went to see the "Turning Pages" - Intersections of Books & Technology - exhibit at Fresno State yesterday.  It wasn't a very big exhibit, but interesting and fun.
"Turning Pages" looks into some of the ways in which technology has transformed books and book making.  There were examples from special collections and art from five different artists.  The exhibit explored the intersections between text, image, and form.  I have always loved books . . . not only for what they offer between their covers . . . but also as art.  Richard thought I would enjoy this display - and he was right.
 "A good book has no ending."
 ~R.D. Cumming

Thursday, May 29, 2014

caramel apple favors . . .

I took very few pictures at my son's wedding.  I would have loved to, but decided to just enjoy and have fun . . . and leave the picture taking to someone else.  I am glad I at least snapped a couple of the caramel apples.  From the moment Kasey started planning her wedding she wanted caramel apples for her favors.  One of my coworkers made these for us . . . she made six different varieties that Jake and Kasey wanted.  The apples were a big hit.  They looked so pretty - and they were delicious.  

Monday, May 26, 2014

wedding signs

Kasey wanted rustic wedding signs along the road leading up to their wedding.  I used old fence pickets . . . they were so fun and easy to make.  I may have to take the pickets I have left or get some pallets and make some more.  They would be fun for parties, and to put quotes on in the garden.   I love using old materials and turning it into something fun.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jacob & Kasey

Mr. & Mrs. . . .
 . . . my beautiful new daughter-in-law . . .
 . . . the best man and his sweet flower girl . . .
 wait . . . there were two flower girls . . .
  He picked the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (IZ) for the song we danced to.  I was surprised and so touched.  I love you Jake!
. . . keeping Charlotte entertained.

What a busy week it has been . . . and what an amazing evening it was last night.  Congratulations to my son and his beautiful new wife. 
All you need is LOVE - LOVE is all you need!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Paper Cranes

My 1000 paper crane project has been moving slow lately . . . but still moving.  I am not one to ever give up on something.  Today I was invited to one of the 4th grade classes at the school where I work to show the students how to fold origami cranes.  You can see all of their paper cranes here . . .  PEACE ~ LOVE ~ CRANES

Friday, May 16, 2014

It's almost the weekend!!!!!

Here it is Friday again.  This one seemed to take a long time getting here.  As usual I am looking forward to the weekend . . . those two days every week that I feel like I can claim as my time.  Two days doesn't ever seem to be enough, but Summer Break is right around the corner.
Our weather has moved into triple digits - which I really don't mind.   In fact, I think I tend to function better when it's hot.  I have listened to people complain about the heat the past few days . . . and I seem to be more motivated than ever.  I have yard work to do, signs to make, we are pouring some concrete on Saturday, and my craft room is cleaned out and calling my name.  I need to get in a few more miles walking to make my goal for the week . . . let's see how much I can cram into those two wonderful days we call Saturday and Sunday.  I may not get everything done, but I will have fun trying.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

sugar & spice . . . snakes & snails . . .

A baby girl…
one of the most beautiful miracles in life,
one of the greatest joys we can ever know,
and one of the reasons why
there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness
in your world today.  ~ Unknown
A boy is Truth with dirt on its face,
Beauty with a cut on its finger,
Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair,
and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. - Unknown

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Live your Joy!

I took my walk/run at lunch today . . . and as usual, my mind takes off along with my feet going in so many different directions . . . what I have to do when I get back to work, what I have to do at home, ideas for projects, thinking about people, often just random thoughts, and then stopping to take a picture when something catches my eye.  Towards the end of my walk I was thinking about how at peace I feel these days.  What makes that important to me right now - is that I could easily not be.  I realized long ago that it is a choice . . . and even better - by making that choice consistently it is becoming a way of life for me.  I am happy and more relaxed . . . and if life throws me something I don't like - I will get through it.
Even better . . . when I got back to work today - I opened up Facebook and got the little notice from an app called "God wants you to know . . . "
Today the notice read . . . "God wants you to know that it is more than okay to live your joy!" 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5 and 55

My conversation with Lily this morning.. (after she heard me say, "good morning honey" to one of our students) . . .
Lily:  "Why did you call that girl honey?"
Me:  "Because I'm an old lady and that's what we do."
Lily:  "You're not old Clare Helen."
Me:  "I'm older than you."
Lily:  "Well, I'm 5!"
Me:  "Well, I'm 55!"
Lily:  "No you're not Clare Helen."
Me:  "Yes I am Lily Bug.  I am 55."
Lily:  "Well that's not old Clare Helen."
. . . it's no wonder I love this girl!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Monday!

 This was made by a little girl at school where I work.  I noticed her holding them and asked her if she made them.  She told me that she liked to just make up ideas in her mind and then make stuff . . . I love that creativity in children. 

 We made homemade guacamole this weekend.  Luke liked the way these looked.  He called me in to take a picture . . . told me I need to blog them.  I love my sons . . .
 Lily's doodle this morning . . . she was a little on the grumpy side.  A box of markers and gel pens changed her mood pretty quickly!
Jessica has been wearing bandanas to work now that the weather is warmer.  The first day she came to work with a bandanna on I told we had to take this picture . . . thanks to a little editing we have our very own "Rosie the Riveter". 
 I did a little test this morning . . . I drew this hopscotch outside the office door.  We did actually have some people hop into work today.  I now know that some of my coworkers are still very much in touch with their inner child.  It also made my boss walk into the office laughing this morning . . . a good way to start Monday morning!
Life is so busy these days.  I have seven doll bodies sitting there - and it seems like something else always needs my attention.  Part of it is due to the end of the school year . . . always a crazy time.  I don't mind though - I think I tend to get more done when things are busy and chaotic . . . and that usually carries over to home . . . and I get so much accomplished there also - it just tends to be more practical things and not the fun stuff.  I am making time to walk and run every day at lunch . . . I find that is something I need to do.  Now if only I could just find a way to not sleep . . . so I had more time for the fun stuff. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

hopscotch & roses . . .

Life is full of fun stuff every day. 
You just have to take the time to notice . . . and yes, I did jump the hopscotch board.