
Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Monday!

 This was made by a little girl at school where I work.  I noticed her holding them and asked her if she made them.  She told me that she liked to just make up ideas in her mind and then make stuff . . . I love that creativity in children. 

 We made homemade guacamole this weekend.  Luke liked the way these looked.  He called me in to take a picture . . . told me I need to blog them.  I love my sons . . .
 Lily's doodle this morning . . . she was a little on the grumpy side.  A box of markers and gel pens changed her mood pretty quickly!
Jessica has been wearing bandanas to work now that the weather is warmer.  The first day she came to work with a bandanna on I told we had to take this picture . . . thanks to a little editing we have our very own "Rosie the Riveter". 
 I did a little test this morning . . . I drew this hopscotch outside the office door.  We did actually have some people hop into work today.  I now know that some of my coworkers are still very much in touch with their inner child.  It also made my boss walk into the office laughing this morning . . . a good way to start Monday morning!
Life is so busy these days.  I have seven doll bodies sitting there - and it seems like something else always needs my attention.  Part of it is due to the end of the school year . . . always a crazy time.  I don't mind though - I think I tend to get more done when things are busy and chaotic . . . and that usually carries over to home . . . and I get so much accomplished there also - it just tends to be more practical things and not the fun stuff.  I am making time to walk and run every day at lunch . . . I find that is something I need to do.  Now if only I could just find a way to not sleep . . . so I had more time for the fun stuff. 


  1. What a creative child - she's got some good ideas. And you've given me one with that hopscotch board. Might just have to try that this Friday. We're finishing up with state testing this week and could use a little "test relief".

  2. We are finishing up our state testing also. Although technically it doesn't count this year (they are having kids test online for the first time . . . so it is a trial run). Our teachers are little more relaxed because of that. I am not feeling the usual stress from them.
