
Monday, May 5, 2014

weekend past . . .

I think I blinked my eyes and this past weekend was simply over that quickly.  I guess some weekends are like that.  There was time for some yard work, housework, and a bridal shower.  Richard and I went to lunch on Saturday and we went to dinner at a friends Sunday evening . . . so it isn't as if we didn't do anything or even that we did anything out of the ordinary - it just seemed to fly by like it didn't even happen. 
Here it is Monday morning . . . well, nearly Monday afternoon (today is flying by also) - and I wish I was still home enjoying another day of weekend. 
Good things this weekend: 
1. The fresh mint in the second photo - next to my beer.  It smelled absolutely wonderful.  (I think I am going to have to plant some mint.  I tried it one other year . . . but didn't have much luck.  I have another area in my yard that I think will be better)
2. Fresh raspberries stuffed with white chocolate chips . . . one chip per raspberry.  So simple and tasty.  I wish I would have taken a picture - there is something about a bowl of raspberries that always looks so pretty.
3. Dinner with friends - Cinco de Mayo dinner that was so delicious.  It was a beautiful evening, we ate outside, and the company and conversation was as excellent as the food. 
4.  Getting a couple of cranes out for my 1000 crane project . . . I have been lagging again on that . . . slowly but surely I will finish my 1000 crane project.
5.  Spring Fever . . . as in I have tons of energy, motivation, and ideas . . .  
"The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious.  The desire to reach hearts is wise." 
~ Maya Angelou

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